EPEC Education Child Protection Courses

Child Protection Courses

EPEC Education (RTO: 45113) takes pride in its status as a Registered Training Organisation approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This means that its accredited training services meet rigorous national standards, ensuring that the qualifications we provide are recognised across the country.

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Fostering Friendships with Preschoolers

Fostering friendships with Preschoolers

As parents and educators, reflecting on our friendships can help us understand how children make and keep friends. We can all relate to meeting people we ‘click’ with and others we prefer to avoid. Preschoolers experience this, and by the time they are four years old, they can differentiate between those who are friends and…

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Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect

This resource provides access to information on mandatory reporting laws, which require specified people to report designated types of suspected child maltreatment to specified state or territory authorities. It provides answers to common questions about mandatory reporting and covers the mandatory reporting legislation across all Australian jurisdictions.

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